
  • Steel Molds Are Taking Shape

    Hello Songbird Family!

    The first steel molds have been produced!  The Ultimate Hamper is literally starting to take shape as we continue along the tooling process.  One of the first parts we're starting with is the hub for the rotating handle bar.  This is such an important feature, so it's definitely a priority.

    The largest part of the Ultimate Hamper is the bin.  Accordingly, this will be the largest and most complicated mold.  Our engineers have done an incredible job with the design.

    We can't wait to show you more as production rolls along.  Until then, happy laundering!


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  • January Update: Tooling Kickoff

    Happy New Year, Songbird Family!

    We kicked off tooling for the Ultimate Hamper!  After working meticulously to finalize all design elements, the factory is now working on building the tools needed to mass produce the Ultimate Hamper.  This represents an incredible milestone. We’re grateful to all the engineers and designers we’ve worked with to get to this point. We’re still on track to begin deliveries around June 2025.

    In the rendering above, you’ll notice a new feature.  The top rear of the bin has two cutouts that serve as additional handles with which to lift and maneuver the Ultimate Hamper, especially when it’s heavy and full of laundry.  

    Thank you again for all your continued support.  This new year is off to a great start for Songbird!

    Yours Truly,

    Tina Kim Chan


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  • Factory Tour Video

    Hello Songbird Family!

    My husband and I recently took a trip to Wisconsin for a factory tour. We are proud to announce that the Ultimate Hamper will be made in the USA!

    Stay tuned for further updates as we move forward to bringing this product to life and into your home!

    Yours Truly,


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  • New Handlebar Prototype Completed

    Hello Songbird Family,

    We're excited to share this update about the Ultimate Hamper.  One of the most unique features is the rotating handlebar.  We've finalized the mechanism behind its rotating function, and it's pretty snappy. :)  The pivot point now has easy to use buttons that allow the bar to be raised and lowered with ease.  

    While this prototype demonstrates the function, the color of the manufactured product is not represented here.  But we can't wait for you to feel how easy it is to raise and lower the bar.

    Also, stay tuned for our next blog post where we'll give you a tour of the factory that will be producing your hamper!  In two weeks, we'll be doing a site visit at a U.S. based factory.  We're proud to be manufacturing here in America!  Until then, happy laundering!

    Yours Truly,


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